LCD Distribution

The important thing to know about LCDs is that there are very few substrate manufacturers. Quite often, several LCDs will have virtually the same paneling, but look very different. Think of the whole distribution network that is similar to video cards.

Manufacturers: Samsung, AUO, NEC, LG.Philips, Sharp, Hitachi

Brands: Samsung, ViewSonic, Planar, Hitachi, NEC, Sony

Labels: Dell, HP, Gateway

A substrate producer like Samsung or Sharp might make a panel. Next, that panel could go into a Planar or Samsung brand monitor. Even more confusing, a company like Dell might rebrand the Planar or Samsung monitor as their own under the Dell label. The end result is a system that allows companies like ViewSonic and Sony more freedom to choose whichever panel they feel is best for their particular monitor.

Near the end of this article, we will go into explicit detail about how to select an LCD that’s right for you.

Substrates and you Where do manufacturers get their specs?
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  • Anonymous User - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    A good article.I my self use CML174.
    Made a lot of difference to my eyes compared to CRT.
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    Outstanding reading, thanks.
  • mechBgon - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    Nice work, Kristopher. : )
  • KristopherKubicki - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    #5 fixed it - sorry.

    #7 fixed that one too. Yeah rubbing pixels really doesnt do much good. I think NewEgg is going to be pissed when they find out I messed up their monitor pretty good.

    #6 Say it aint so!! We want to be the only ones ;)

  • Shalmanese - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    Finally! It took long enough for you to get this out :). Great article, finally an article about LCD's which isn't full of opinion and hearsay.
  • dvinnen - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    ok, maybie you did mean that. Hard to tell, you say you scuffed the monitor, then go on to tell other people how to do it...

    I problay just need some sleep...
  • dvinnen - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    Rubbing the pixils does more good then harm then?

    <<<Personally, it seems that rubbing the pixels does more good than harm so continue at your own risk.>>>

    Might want to fix that one
  • dvinnen - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    good to hear it. Seems like alot of the hardware sites are getting there act together.
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    On page 6, where you talk about the cables in the picture (the sentence right below the picture), shouldn't the good cable be the *upper* one or am I missing something?
  • KristopherKubicki - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    Yeah, new editors and kind of a revamped AT staff. We went through a lull period after we lost Matthew, but now we have some really good writers and a lot of great content to write about.

    Just wait till Computex and COMDEX - 3 and 4 reviews per day sounds about right.


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