High End Workstation Performance - SPECviewperf 7.0

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  • Chriz - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - link

    I am curious about the LAN port. On the SB61G2 it was only 10/100. Does the SB65G2 use the Intel CSA bus and do the gigabit lan?
  • Wesley Fink - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - link

    #10 -
    Please see my "searching for the Memory Holy Grail - Part 2" here. All our testing in that review was with a 2.4C, and we make recommendations for buying in the conclusion. This is continued in the Mushkin/Adata memory review.

    #7, #11 - The SB61G2 and black SB62G2 are released and available with on-board graphics and an AGP 8X slot. I understand the SB65G2 is to be reased within the next week.
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - link

    You should get 3200 speed memory I think.

    Does anyone know of a good distributor for these at competitive pricing? The distributors I find on google are really sketchy and I don't trust the packaging or descriptions.
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - link

    If I want to throw in a P4 2.4C and overclock it, what memory speed should I get? How do you know if you should get PC3200, 3500, 3700, etc.?

    (regarding the audio noise, that's a bit disappointing...)
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - link

    I have an SN41G2 and I've already replaced the two fans in the system (PSU and ICE).

    The PSU fan develops a very high pitch noise that will drive you crazy. Replacing it is very easy, just kind of hard to find a 40x40x10mm fan (look for evercool). And of course it voids the warrenty on the PSU only, but not the Shuttle as a whole.
    I replaced the ICE fan with a Vantec Stealth as they are much more quiet than the supplied fan.
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - link

    I mean on Shuttle´s homepage of course :o)
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - link

    Hi...im trying to get some info about the SB65G2,but cant find anything,just SB62G2...? plz help :)
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - link

    Good question, Rekonn and you're correct. I have the same system as the one in the review and it does indeed suffer from noise issues through the onboard sound. I stuck an audigy in it (as most anandtech readers would) and it works fine. Unless you feel like soldering though you can't hook up the front panel to the sound card.

    I still love the system though.
  • Rekonn - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - link

    Did you get a chance to test out the front headphone jack? I'd love to get just a subjective impression when listening to some mp3's using a pair of headphones. (On the sb61g2 the noise from the front headphone jack is bad.)
  • jarsoffart - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - link

    On the Noise Level page, you state 1 MB of DDR400, I think you mean 1 GB.

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