Motherboard Tray

The SilverStone Nimiz features a removable motherboard tray, which slides smoothly out the back along grooves. The entire back panel, including the add-on card section (but not the power supply bay), is connected to the tray allowing for easy removal. This is helpful when working with heavier components like CPU heat sinks.

The tray is made of the same aluminum used throughout, which, despite its size, makes for a very lightweight case. The model we tested had no sharp edges and was strong enough to hold the heaviest of components.

Click to enlarge.

SilverStone has included 15 stand-off screws on which to mount the motherboard. If they had included snap-on spacers instead, installation for the motherboard would have been much quicker than using conventional screws. Another drawback with the motherboard tray was the lack of screw holes for various form factors. Users of micro ATX boards may find it annoying that the bottom right is left unsupported, which can lead to a cracked board if not handled carefully.

Click to enlarge.

Expansion Installation
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  • Zebo - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - link

    Work of art. I have a silverstone desktop case and it's the same. Has hydrolic doors and an awesome matte alum finish. IMO SS's are worth every dime you pay. Finally someone is building high quality/high fashion cases.

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