Full Screen Application

Here are a few quick looks at some demanding full screen applications (except solitaire, which is windowed). All of these screenshots are taken with DVI inputs on the LCDs. We used a Radeon 9800 XT for testing.

You may also see how some of our other monitors have fared in this portion of the benchmark:

Albatron LWX-30AMS
Samsung 213T
Dell 2001FP

The Matrix Reload, The Matrix - We include these movies into our benchmark to test full motion video. We were surprised by how much more vivid the Samsung 213T appeared. We did not detect any motion blur. The image looks fairly washed out compared to our 213T, but very much on par with the Dell 2001FP.

Click to enlarge.

Morrowind - We like to test Morrowind for 1600x1200 application, but unfortunately, the SyncMaster 193P only supports 1280x1024. Colors were not as good on the 193P as they were on the 213T, and we noticed a slightly more washed out image.

Click to enlarge.

Max Payne 2 - Our Max Payne 2 experience left us feeling very similar to the Samsung 213T. Color replication gave us about the same errors and advantages; and TrTf response time was virtually identical. Even though Samsung improved their response time specification to 20ms (from 25ms on the 192T), gray-to-gray response time has benefited even greater.

Click to enlarge.

Halo - Due to the shutter rate of the camera, there are a few distinct imperfections. These "ghosted" images are not the product of motion blur, but rather, the product of capturing two frames during the image exposure. Halo was much easier to play on the 193P than our 192T or 213T. Although miniscule, there was an increased responsiveness to the LCD, particularly in mid-range values.

Click to enlarge.

Unreal Tournament 2004 - Slightly faster paced than Halo, UT2K4 does a great job of emphasizing TrTf and gray-to-gray response times. There were several patterns we noticed; TrTf changed very little while gray-to-gray improved dramatically. We noticed the most significant blurring on projectiles. Vertical/Horizontal scrolling and relatively muted transitions were very similar to the Dell 2001FP (which produced almost no motion blur even during intense gaming).

Click to enlarge.

On Screen Display ColorVision Spyder
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  • Shalmanese - Friday, April 16, 2004 - link

    Can we just take it as a given that geometry on LCDs are perfect? Its rather tedious wading through a list of 5's to find out what's WRONG with a particular monitor. Perhaps to make it simpler, if you awarded 5 to all the monitors in a category, you could condense it down to a single figure so we can skim the page more easily.
  • KristopherKubicki - Thursday, April 15, 2004 - link

    Its too expensive to compete with the 2001FP. Its been on sale for a while but samples for review just arrived - go figure

  • miomao - Thursday, April 15, 2004 - link

    The usually great review... :)

    I would like to see also a comparison with the LG.Philips 19'' 25ms S-IPS panel.
    A monitor like LG L1910B (last version) or Iiyama E481.
    Buyers say it doesn't have deep black, but is very fast on video and games.
  • araczynski - Thursday, April 15, 2004 - link

    3rd generation my a*s...
  • Yvo - Thursday, April 15, 2004 - link

    funny this monitor has been on sale at Fry's for over 2 months.
  • DannyOcean - Thursday, April 15, 2004 - link

    Would Anandtech recommend buying the Samsung 193P over the Dell 2001FP?

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