DDR2 vs. DDR: Workstation Performance

High End Workstation Performance

High End Workstation Performance

High End Workstation Performance

High End Workstation Performance

High End Workstation Performance

High End Workstation Performance

The pattern continues across Workstation Performance benchmarks. Fast DDR400 memory performs just as well as DDR2 533 on the new socket 775. Since many manufacturers are producing 915 motherboards with DDR slots, you can choose one of these boards with no real performance penalty and some good savings over DDR2 prices. As DDR2 appears with faster timings and lower prices, it will become a more attractive choice for the 915 platform.

DDR2 vs. DDR: Gaming Performance Final Words
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  • Neekotin - Saturday, June 19, 2004 - link

    guess i'll be keeping my system for another 1 year.. hehehe ;). just gonna buy me a new GPU!
  • Degrador - Saturday, June 19, 2004 - link

    Well this has just confirmed my plan for an athlon 64 next - I can't see any reason to be looking towards intel, either now or in the near future (next 6 months).
  • WileCoyote - Saturday, June 19, 2004 - link

    baby steps...
  • mkruer - Saturday, June 19, 2004 - link

    Actually now that I think of Intel might be correct. The chipset may be up to 15% faster, its just that Prescott is up to 15% slower.
  • wicktron - Saturday, June 19, 2004 - link

  • mkruer - Saturday, June 19, 2004 - link

    The moral of this story, buy AMD instead.
  • Falloutboy525 - Saturday, June 19, 2004 - link

    now it makes sence as to why amd isn't even bothering wth ddr2 till it speeds up

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