DDR500 Performance

Other DDR400 2-2-2 memory is identified by green bars for easier comparison.

DDR500 Calculation Performance

DDR500 Gaming Performance

DDR500 UNBuffered Memory Test

DDR466 Performance DDR533 Performance
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  • qquizz - Friday, August 20, 2004 - link

    excellent read thanks Anandtech for the useful info
  • Avalon - Friday, August 20, 2004 - link

    Forgot to mention it was tested on an A64 rig. If you've got an AXP rig, lower latency might mean more. I should go test it out...
    Anyway, great article Wes! It's good to see Geil come out near the top. They make some great memory and are very under-recognized sometimes.
  • Avalon - Friday, August 20, 2004 - link

    I forget where I saw it, but I did see latency compared in a Doom 3 article. Low CAS 2 latency benefitted over CAS 2.5 by giving you roughly 2-3% more framerates. Which added up to about 1 frame. Since I can't quite remember where I found it, take this with a large boulder of salt :P
  • ciwell - Friday, August 20, 2004 - link

    I am wondering the same thing as #5. It would be very interesting to see a comparison between the Value RAMs and these.

    Anyways, great article.
  • Visual - Friday, August 20, 2004 - link

    This isn't really in the goals of this article, but I'm wondering, is the extra-low latency worth it at DDR400?

    Could you include a slow(Value RAM) memory from Kingston, Corsair or other, running at CAS 2.5 and 3 for comparison?

    I really wanna know if the extra $100 or so for a low-latency ram would give me noticeable difference.
  • pookie69 - Friday, August 20, 2004 - link

    Mr Fink!!!! Another GREAT READ!!!! I so LOVE these memory articles of yours. SO informative and give much food for thought.

    Thanks and keep up the gd work! ;)
  • Wesley Fink - Friday, August 20, 2004 - link

    #1 - Corrected. We are missing our Web Editor who is taking a well-deserved vacation.

    #2 - You make an interesting point. I was leaning toward Samsung TCCD chips, particularly based on the poorer overclocks on Athlon 64, but I agree there are some timings at certain speeds that don't really fit. Hynix also exhibits poorer A64 overclocks compared to Intel, so it is a possibility.
  • Zebo - Friday, August 20, 2004 - link

    Nice work Wes. To bad we don't know what chips they have...I'm leaning twards hand picked Hynix that can do 2-2-2 @ 200 by the way it mirrors it's brothers at higher bandwidth...in addtion to it's bandwidth.
  • KingofCamelot - Friday, August 20, 2004 - link

    Just a couple of things you might want to fix, on the bottom of page 2 it has the title "OCZ PC3200 Platinum Revision 2 Specifications" which should be "Geil PC3200 Ultra X Memory Specifications". Also on page 4 at 557DDR speed the Quake3 fps is missing a decimal and is listed as 43486 instead of 434.86 fps. Other than that great review, awesome looking ram man!

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