Motherboard Tray

It has been a while since we have seen a case with an excellent removable motherboard tray. Lian Li's PC-6070 had the same type of tray that SilverStone implemented in the TJ03, but for some reason, SilverStone has decided not to use it in the TJ05.

An upside to the design is the number of holes that SilverStone has provided for its stand-offs to mount various types of ATX boards from standard ATX to the smaller micro ATX style boards. We were surprised that SilverStone had not used the snap-on stand offs like Thermaltake had used, since it adopted many other features from the big name.

Click to enlarge.

The tray is also large enough to allow installation of extended ATX boards, which helps target a wider range of consumers.

Construction Expansion
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  • ProviaFan - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    "Though steel is a much cheaper alternative and would save money both to SilverStone and, in the end, its customers, we still believe that an entirely steel chassis would have appealed more to the masses."

    The way that sentence is worded makes it very confusing.
  • shinerburke - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    looks nice....too bad I refuse to buy cases with the brand name on them.

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