
Some believe that the word "expansion", when used to talk about PC case design, means how many types of motherboards can be installed in the chassis while others believe it is the number of HDDs that can be stacked in the case without having a complete meltdown of the system. We believe that expansion is a combination of these, and the ability for a PC case to adapt to various types of hardware and configurations.

SilverStone has implemented this successfully into the TJ05 by increasing drive bays, allowing a maximum of 6 HDDs, 2 floppy drives, and 4 5-1/4" drives to be installed. The TJ05's design allows various types of ATX motherboards to be installed as well as different sized power supplies. With all of the features, like tool-less expansion card sliding clips and drive rails for every application, there is an almost endless possibility for expansion.

Click to enlarge.

As we mentioned earlier, extra case fans can also be added to the TJ05 for increased thermal regulation for the system's components to stay at an optimal operating temperature.

Motherboard Tray Installation
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  • ProviaFan - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    "Though steel is a much cheaper alternative and would save money both to SilverStone and, in the end, its customers, we still believe that an entirely steel chassis would have appealed more to the masses."

    The way that sentence is worded makes it very confusing.
  • shinerburke - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    looks nice....too bad I refuse to buy cases with the brand name on them.

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