
With the number of wires coming back from the bezel, we were reminded of the frustration that we developed when working with the Thermaltake Damier V6000A. It had so much wiring in it, we thought it would take hours to install hardware and connect the ends of the wires to the components.

Click to enlarge.

We did not have as much trouble with the TJ05, though. There was not as much wiring in the TJ05, and in turn, required less time to install all of the components in our test bed. The small mess of wiring could have been reduced further by grouping each bundle into their own separate shrinkwrap jackets.

The Seagate SATA HDD required some effort to push into the removable carriage because the plastic drive rails were a bit too thick. Once in, though, the drive was set firmly in place and safe from any sort of vibration that may occur with a loosely mounted drive.

Click to enlarge.

We also were happy to see the amount of space between the motherboard and power supply when both were installed. There was a little over an inch between the two components providing enough space to work with both pieces of hardware.

Click to enlarge.

Expansion Benchmarking - Thermal
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  • ProviaFan - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    "Though steel is a much cheaper alternative and would save money both to SilverStone and, in the end, its customers, we still believe that an entirely steel chassis would have appealed more to the masses."

    The way that sentence is worded makes it very confusing.
  • shinerburke - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    looks nice....too bad I refuse to buy cases with the brand name on them.

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