Benchmarking - Sound

The other performance meter when it comes to cases is noise levels. We measure the noise level of the Centurion 5 at a distance of 12" from the closed chassis with the power supply fan turned off. Take a look at our results.

Sound Benchmarks

The Centurion 5 performed better than its main competitors, the Sea Hawk and the Xpider II, when it came to case noise. Had Cooler Master used a quieter 80mm fan, like some of their quiet house brand fans, the noise levels could have been cut down a bit. The Centurion 5 still performed extremely well.

Benchmarking - Thermal Final Thought
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  • Degrador - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 - link

    Umm... An 80mm fan rated at 13dB?? Might wanna change that to 33dB (I assume) - half way down page 4...

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