Intel D925XECV2: Utilities

Intel provides a very wide range of Software and Utilities with the D925XECV2 to support the BIOS adjustments and features of the 925XE chipset. This includes SoundMAX, Sonic Focus, MusicMatch Jukebox, Intervideo Home Theater Silver and Win DVD Creator 2, NTI CD-Maker, RestoreIT! Lite, Norton Internet Security 2004, LANDesk, Embassy Trust Suite, Webex, and Intel Desktop Utilities. Many of the features are integrated into two utilities that tie together 925XE adjustment options, features, and software.

The Desktop Control Center is used to Tune, Stress, and Monitor system performance. You can adjust and test the memory timings, memory voltage, bus speed, and frequency settings in the Control Center.

Temperature monitoring and Fan Speed adjustments are important to many users. You can also adjust fan settings and cooling strategies in DCC. Temperatures and Speeds can be monitored in the Control Center as well.

Intel Audio Studio integrates High-Definition Audio functions and the software that supports those audio features. Sonic Focus, SoundMAX and Dolby Digital Live! can be controlled in the Audio Studio utility.

Intel D925XECV2: Enthusiast Options Intel D925XECV2: Basic Features
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  • Gnoad - Sunday, October 31, 2004 - link

    Wow, Intel just got the crap kicked out them...
  • GhandiInstinct - Sunday, October 31, 2004 - link

    It's good to have you back Anand, feels like Jordan came back to the Bulls. :)
  • shabby - Sunday, October 31, 2004 - link

    Meh, nothing special.

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