Motherboard Tray

The only case in our 4-way roundup that featured a removable motherboard tray was the BeanTech BT-85. Having a removable tray is almost as important as having enough internal space to manage all of a system's components with ease.

It has become increasingly evident that Logisys has not come up with a completely new design, but only a variation of their CS888CL. Now, this does happen in the PC case industry very often, but we would have liked to see Logisys implement some new features in the CS888UV that would differentiate it from the company's older products.

Click to enlarge.

The motherboard tray has not changed since the CS888CL. It uses the inch-long standoffs, which help raise the motherboard off of the clear right side panel. Yes, the motherboard sits on the right side panel. We had trouble with the left side panel, resulting in one of the mounting brackets snapping off (at mid-height, at the rear in the picture). For this reason, Logisys should have at least put in a supporting panel for the motherboard to sit on.

We might say that the right side panel is a removable motherboard tray, but it is not as simple as those trays that are actually advertised as removable.

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  • diehlr - Friday, November 5, 2004 - link

  • Shinei - Friday, November 5, 2004 - link

    Now, if only Macs were half as good as PCs... ;)
    I do agree that the G5 cases are dead sexy, though, and I'm curious why someone hasn't gotten the bright idea of putting out that A(B)TX case style (like the Temjins) with a G5-style case... Amazing cooling + hot looks + huge case == winner.
  • Orchid001 - Friday, November 5, 2004 - link

    #1 I agree there are a lot of very bad pc cases out there (A lot do look like they are designed for/by 16 yr old metal fans), there are some exceptions, I have a shuttle case myself which I think looks great. PC case designers could take a leaf out of Apples book.
  • SMT - Friday, November 5, 2004 - link

    #1 - Um, Shuttle?
  • Avalon - Friday, November 5, 2004 - link

    Acrylic cases are so funny looking that I almost wish I had one...almost :P
  • Locut0s - Friday, November 5, 2004 - link

    Others have said it before but I'll say it again.
    What ever happened to the concepts of sleekness, style, and form? It seems like most of the case makers have hired 16 year old tone deaf heavy metal freaks. "Oh you know what would be cool man?! Make it transparent and glowy and shit!" or "Make it look like a transformer!". Whatever you may think of Apple (and I myself am NOT an apple guy) you have to admit they are one of the few remaining bastions of style and taste left. Where are the PC cases for the rest of us?
  • breakfastninja - Monday, May 3, 2010 - link

    I just wanna say that I own a CS888CL and it only has three 80mm fans, not five. I actually cut a hole in the top of mine for a 120mm and dropped my system temps by 6 degrees.

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