
We look at the hardware available today and see a wide range of equipment, from low-end CPUs to the highest end of VGA cards. There is a tight positive correlation between the performance levels of the equipment against the heat that it gives off. Each system needs enough cooling equipment, no matter how it is configured, to keep its components running at the safest levels as possible.

Chenbro has included two 120mm fans in the GB2. The first fan is mounted at the front as an intake. It sits directly in front of the HDD cage, which also helps cool any installed drives.

Click to enlarge.

The second 120mm fan is mounted at the back of the case as an exhaust and aids in the front to back circulation of airflow.

A third 92mm fan can be mounted at the top of the chassis to improve cooling in the GB2.

Click to enlarge.

We will test the effectiveness of these fans as well as their sound levels later in our benchmarks.

Internal Design (cont'd) Construction
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  • CrystalBay - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 - link

    Nice case,but I'll wait for a cheap knockoff, or a CM Stacker. That infrared heat graph is a nice effect though.
  • Operandi - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 - link

    Looks like a very nice case with horribly loud fans.

    Purav; For future reviews it would be nice if you would include more information on the fans, make model, RPM, CFM, ect.

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