
The Gaming Bomb II, besides the tool-less drive bay securing mechanisms, is made completely of brushed aluminum. This, of course, makes for an extremely lightweight construction as well as a sleek look overall.Using aluminum also makes it easy to create any shape that comes to mind. Chenbro has shown this by manufacturing the aluminum bezel door with rounded side edges to give it a softer, easy-on-the-eyes look.

Click to enlarge.

We did not see any security features like key locks or side loops permanently installed on the GB2. Since this is a high end case, many will use it with high end components. And though many users do not use the security features that manufacturers implement, they are nice features to have for those users who would like to use them. Chenbro does mention that the GB2 has the ability to accompany "Common Locking Technology".

Cooling Motherboard Tray
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  • CrystalBay - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 - link

    Nice case,but I'll wait for a cheap knockoff, or a CM Stacker. That infrared heat graph is a nice effect though.
  • Operandi - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 - link

    Looks like a very nice case with horribly loud fans.

    Purav; For future reviews it would be nice if you would include more information on the fans, make model, RPM, CFM, ect.

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