Motherboard Tray

It has been a while since we have seen a chassis with a removable motherboard tray. The last chassis that had a similar removable tray was Lian Li's PC-6070. The fully removable tray proved to be a positive aspect for users who frequently update their motherboards. However, we have come to realize that even those who replace their hardware often will not necessarily need to remove the motherboard tray to do this.

Click to enlarge.

The Gaming Bomb II is roomy as it is. In fact, to remove the motherboard tray would take more effort than to keep it in place, since all of the wiring to the power supply and the drives would need to be disconnected. We feel that a removable motherboard tray is not as important as a complete tool-less design.

Click to enlarge.

Another aspect of the motherboard tray that we were concerned about was the method by which the stand-offs were implemented. Chenbro has mounted two different types of stand-offs: the standard 1/3" long stand-offs as well as shorter 1/8" stand-offs, which would need to be extended using the supplied stand-off extenders to install any motherboard. Chenbro should either do away with the dual stand-off type system and stick to one type, or go back to the standard, do-it-yourself method of supplying separate stand-offs for the user to install.

Construction Installation
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  • CrystalBay - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 - link

    Nice case,but I'll wait for a cheap knockoff, or a CM Stacker. That infrared heat graph is a nice effect though.
  • Operandi - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 - link

    Looks like a very nice case with horribly loud fans.

    Purav; For future reviews it would be nice if you would include more information on the fans, make model, RPM, CFM, ect.

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