
Since there were no tool-less features, the Viper took away about 15 minutes of our time for installation of our test bed. Though we are pretty quick with a screwdriver after reviewing multiple of tens of cases in the last few years, it does become tedious when we need to apply small screws for each component.

Click to enlarge.

Installation went smoothly, however, and we had no trouble with unnecessary wiring or clutter that we have experienced with cases such as Thermaltake's Damier or SilverStone's Temjin 5.

Motherboard Tray Benchmarking - Thermal
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  • |mynamehere| - Friday, April 16, 2010 - link

    i own one of these; my friend gave it to me, but thats not important... I actually have to say i like the design, although the LED display is inconvenient located, the design is very aggressive and eye-catching. its a little big, but that size is anything but wasted, it have places for multiple fans, motherboard, power supply, Hardrive, CD/DVD burner, and other accessories for your computer. if you have the space and would enjoy a kick-ass light-show while running it in the dark, this was made for you.

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