Unreal Tournament 2004 Performance

UT would also not run with AA enabled. The test that we were able to run is still somewhat CPU limited. These results are included, as when we see CPU limited games using CrossFire, they tend to score lower than other solutions. Our best guess is that this issue will be fixed as the CrossFire driver implementation is further finalized. It is likely driver overhead adding extra CPU requirements to the system. We have been told that performance numbers with this hardware and driver combo are mostly final, but we will have to wait and see.

Unreal Tournament 2004

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Final Words
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  • Furen - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    X850 crossfire doesnt seem too apealing in a world with the 7800GTX. This would have been great 6 months ago, or even 3.
  • Cookie Crusher - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    Maybe I was a bit hasty in my disappointment, but still, I expected Ati to come over the top with something special. :(

    Looks like there will be plenty of battles this coming year between sli and crossfire.

    The trick is: who can make their dual card solutions more affordable?
  • Cookie Crusher - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    I would have expected a little more than the results posted....but oh well, hurry up already ati.
  • Hasse - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - link

    Nice, Don't know what to say... It's nice to see Anandtech's involvement in the discussion!

    I'ld like to point that as a halfway gamer I did get rid of a Sony F520 which did 2048x1536 at 85Hz, and it was beautiful and HUGE. It ate all the space on my desktop so when transforming to LCD which uses allmost no space there are a few issues to consider. Like responsetime, colors, artifacts yadda yadda yadda. I found a nice companion in the Nec 2080UX+ which is a 20" 16ms panel, and I have no smearing, no artifacts, vivid colors and last but not least NO lag what so ever..

    Apart from that back to topic:
    I feel that ATI has made a good effort, while abit late it's still nice from a consumers stand to have competition. What makes me a bit worried is the way ATI made their solution. As a consumer I'ld really not get stucked with a card that REQUIRES a slave card to work at all (correct me if I'm wrong..), that is you cannot run a CrossFire card by itself in a system. Whilst Nvidia's solution is more flexible (you can run your system with either one of the cards used in SLI).

    I wonder also if CrossFire will work with cards from different vendors, as that was one of the quirks Nvidia was bothered about (same vendor and bios).

    I'm also concerned about how much trouble Anandtech had getting the setup to work properly, ok it's a prerelease, but Giga said it was close to finished... shuld we be worried? Who knows... I've had bad encounters with highend ATI cards in the past, whilst my friends have had few or none. It makes me wonder if CrossFire is having the same trouble with drivers as the "old" drivers had with standard ATI cards....

    Lastly, I find it annoying as a consumer to have to buy a more (in case of XT -> Crossfire) expensive card than the one I allready have because the new one also supports the faster XT PE.. (correct me if I'm wrong regarding the cost and so forth...)...

    Last.. Despite all my reservations regarding ATI's solution to Nvidia's SLI I'm still very interested in the development, and not least: Will CrossFire also come for R520 (probably, but if they're having this much trouble with x850 how will the new cards fare?)

    Thanks for the Article. Kepp up the good work.

    Best Regards
  • Hasse - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - link

    And Stupid as I am I pressed reply.. I should have pressed post a new comment.. sorry.


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