Everquest II Performance

If we had to choose a game that has the potential to stress the GPU more than anything else, it would be Everquest 2. The Extreme Quality mode is currently not worth testing as no one has a system capable of running the game at that mode smoothly enough. Very High Quality mode (which we run in our tests) is demanding enough as it is. The cut-off in playability with this game is also much lower than an FPS style game; it isn't until dropping below 20 frames per second that playability starts to degrade. We were unable to enable AA here, so we will have to settle for just looking at performance with everything else cranked up.

At the high end, it looks like we are limited to near 50 frames per second. Our high end cards are all crowded together at 1280x960, but increasing resolution serves to separate them pretty well. The 7800 series parts maintain a lead over the X1800 cards with which they compete. The 6800 GT and X850 XT do a good job of keeping up with the X1800 XL for the tests we ran.

While the X1600 XT does a good job of performing at X800 levels and staying playable up to 1600x1200, it does not come close to performing near the 6800 GT. X1300 Pro users will have to stick with 1024x768 for playability, but those with 1280x1024 flat panels will probably just want to sacrifice some visual effects.

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  • Spacecomber - Friday, October 7, 2005 - link

    I think that the 6600GT is a bit faster than the 9800 Pro, but essentially in the same league. HTH

  • Peldor - Friday, October 7, 2005 - link

    The closest card to a 9800 Pro in these reviews is the 6600GT. Generally the 6600GT will be a bit faster than the 9800Pro, but not huge (except in OpenGL).
  • Spacecomber - Friday, October 7, 2005 - link

    Oops, didn't mean to be redundant. I guess I took to long to post my comment.

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