Final Words

The impression that we have from Gefen was that the flickering pixels issue, which we encountered with the DVI DL, didn't necessarily apply to all systems, and was video card dependent. We will be working to see if we can find a combination that doesn't cause the problem, but currently, we're seeing it on both our PC and Mac setups.

As a product, the DVI DL is hardly complete. Given its price tag, it should ship with the functionality of Gefen's DVI Detective on each DVI port, instead of requiring an extra $80 investment, per computer, in order to fix problems with certain configurations. Granted, how a computer handles a disconnected DVI cable isn't Gefen's fault, but clearly, Gefen is aware of the potential for a problem, and thus, is quick to recommend purchasing a DVI Detective even in the user's manual.

The other major problem is the lack of an auto-adjusting EQ, which left us with a constantly flickering display. Granted, the flickering pixels were generally limited to small portions of the display, but they were enough to bother us considerably during normal use. They are noticeable, and as of now, they cannot be fixed using the Gefen DVI DL.

We also encountered some audio interference with the unit; whenever we moved the mouse on the test system, we'd get interference on the speakers. Gefen indicated that the problem may be related to a ground loop, but we're still working on fixing it.

If you must have a dual link DVI switcher today, Gefen's DVI DL promises the right functionality, but it isn't without its share of problems, which in our mind are unacceptable. Our recommendation? Wait until the next revision of the DVI DL with its auto-EQ and see what happens. Until then, we'll have to look elsewhere for that perfect dual link DVI + USB KVM.

Once More, with a DVI Detective
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  • Questar - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - link

    Apple has it for $2499 on their website.
  • KristopherKubicki - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - link

    Market demand is a weak excuse, but really; it's true. The panel Apple uses is really only used for medical imaging. If someone is going to make it cheap though, it's going to be Dell. They will eventually.

  • sprockkets - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - link

    OK, they are rare, and maybe it wasn't a dual link version, but hell, when you can get a KVM for around what $20 for the VGA version, why bother with $400? Are DVI switchers just going to cost that much since it is digital?
  • Samus - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - link

    If you have two computers and a 30" display, you're a bastard.
  • bersl2 - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - link


    You have one 30" Cinema Display, and two computers. What do you do?

    You turn one into a server.

    FWIW, I wouldn't bother with this KVM crap.
  • karioskasra - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - link

    "You have one 30" Cinema Display, and two computers. What do you do?"

    Well first I'd hit the local bar to try to forget the horrible deeds I had to do to get my hands on that lcd.
  • JarredWalton - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - link

    What about the potential to simply use shorter cables? Really, it seems like the DVI Detective should just connect inline with the DVI cable and not even require an extra cable. Barring that, a short 5" cable on one side would be able to fix the issue, perhaps?

    I don't know if you can actually find cables that short, but Gefen ought to be able to do that, right? Since you only need to program the DVI Detective when you change monitors, there's not much point in making them more visible. Of course, requiring people to purchase the DVI Detective in the first place on a $400 product is not really acceptable to most users.

    I'd also be interested in hearing how the G5 system fares with a non-ATI card. My own experience is that ATI cards seem to be a bit more picky with EDID information. My (super cheap $25) KVM works fine with NVIDIA cards, but sometimes ATI cards don't know what monitor is attached, defaulting to lowest-common-denominator refresh rates. (I just uncheck the "Use EDID Information" box and manually specify the monitor capabilities in that case, but it's a bit annoying - not sure if anything like that is even an option for Macs, though.)

    Anyway, I need a new KVM, preferrably with four ports and USB+DVI support. Thank goodness I don't need dual-link DVI as well!
  • Beh - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - link

    well, its not all bad, but i do think it needs work. if they integrate the DVI detective functionality and the auto-EQ in their next version it may be worth looking into. for now, i will pass...
  • MAME - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - link

    huge piece of crap
  • umuomgwawwpt - Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - link

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