SilverStone SG01B

by Joshua Buss on October 26, 2005 12:05 AM EST
Final Words

As case manufacturers continue to come up with new designs to try to entice consumers, many designs come out on top in some ways and fail in others, as it isn't as easy as one might think to get everything right in designing an enclosure.

Overall, the shift to smaller cases makes sense - the computer itself is more portable, easier to put "out of sight", and in some situations, it makes it possible to have a computer in a particular location - peroid.

With SilverStone's SG01, they certainly have the "looks" aspect of the case done well, but while this certainly is a huge factor for many people, there are other important issues that we feel on which they just didn't spend enough time.

The biggest problem is that the case simply makes too much noise. With looks this nice, one would think that this could have great potential in a living room or even a kitchen perhaps, but certainly no one would want a computer in an otherwise quiet room to make a persistent whine of 52 dBa. Almost as bad though is the fact that even with all this noise, the case doesn't move enough air to keep the components cooler than competing cases, which is exemplified by the SG01's ambient exhaust temperature of 33.7 degrees Centigrade. On top of everything else, this is still a rather expensive option, as the lowest price that one might find the SG01 is right around $150, and that won't include any power supply.

Regrettably, we can only recommend the SG01 to people who are eager to build a Micro-ATX system, absolutely love the styling and are either willing to put enough effort into the system to quiet the fans or simply ignore the noise (perhaps by using the small size to put the computer in a very out-of-sight place). Thankfully, these people will get to enjoy the good layout and decent expansion options, but otherwise, there are several other options out there for less money, and they run cooler and make less noise.

Benchmarking - Sound
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  • Tamale - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - link

  • cryptonomicon - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - link

    reminds me of lian-li
  • segagenesis - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - link

    But the final words say it all. Despite the nifty ideas like the hard drive cage with a fan (hard drives burning up would worry me most in a HTPC) and the ability to use a normal sized power supply... the noise would kill this off my list instantly. A noisy computer is one thing, but the whine from smaller fans really aggrivate me. I'll give them the fact its probably exceedingly difficult to put 120mm fans in a HTPC case, but I'll be damned if the thing is louder than my TT Armour.
  • imaheadcase - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - link

    Its a good thing actully that it uses a real power supply. The fail rate on Shuttle SFF power supply is VERY high, i currently have mine hooked up to a regular power supply (case cover off of course) because power supply failed.

    Just get a new PS you say? The cheapest one is about $60. a hundred more you can get a NEW SFF case/PS/Mobo. Its a vicious cycle. :(

    Im just going to transfer CPU/RAM/Video card to a midtower case and be done with it.
  • just1ed - Sunday, November 11, 2007 - link

    Hi imaheadcase,
    I'm interested to know how you modded a normal ATX to Shuttle's XPC PSU. They have some non standard heads. My XPC's PSU blew and I'm not interested in replacing it with another expensive PSU that might die in the near future.
  • BigSky - Friday, September 15, 2006 - link

    I can't run a video card in my SS51G that requires an external power source. The wimpy 200W Shuttle PS can't do the job. I'm too cheap to spring for a new PS but have plenty of ATX PSs laying around and was thinking of doing what you did to power the Shuttle with an ATX PS. I see that the motherboard uses a 4 pin connector like the standard one for a peripheral vice the square 4 pin cable on most motherboards. Should I make an adapter from the ATX PS's square 4 pin to connector to the Shuttle MB 4 pin connector vice using one of the peripheral power leads? Seems this would be better from a power mgmt perspective. I don't understand if this ATX power lead is independent of the peripheral leads.

  • ProphetCHRIS - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - link

    The problem of the manufacturers is just that they have to built these cases for "average" people. You can surely put own low-noise fans inside and it wont go off in flames. I have built once this kind of case with an old Lian Li. I put dampening material inside and only one fan. Sure it was a little warmer than normal cases but I operated it 24/7 for two years.

    I am sure this case has much potential with just a little help...
  • Tamale - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - link

    aye.. but should a $150 case need any help? ;)

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