Multimedia and Networking Benchmarks

We ran all the configurations through a set of encoding benchmarks. We used chapter 9 from The Sum of All Fears, with a target quality of 75% and without audio. This does a single-pass encode that results in reasonable quality at the cost of file size. We also ran a multi-pass encode of a 30-second commercial, with a target size of 5 MB and with audio. The original video is 30 MB in size, and AutoGK makes three passes: a compression test, an initial pass, and the final pass. For larger files, the compression test scans segments of the video, so it isn't a full pass. With this small file, it ends up simply doing three full passes.

Encoding Performance - AutoGK 1.96

Encoding Performance - AutoGK 1.96

We didn't bother including results for each configuration, since the different graphics cards have no impact on encoding performance. The small difference in encoding rates is well within the margin of error. This comes as no surprise, since DivX and Xvid are CPU/memory limited and make very little use of the graphics card. In the future, we may see plug-ins that will use the GPU's programmable shaders to help accelerate encoding, but for now, the CPU is the biggest bottleneck. Again, the custom system slightly outperforms the HP DX5150 by 2 to 3%.

As with encoding performance, using a different graphics card has no impact on network performance. We employed our standard testing methodology using the Windows 2000 DDK. A second system, an MSI K8N Neo Platinum with a 3400+ processor, was set to communicate with each system in turn. Traffic was routed through a gigabit Ethernet switch, but that doesn't matter in real world performance scenarios - rarely does sustained network traffic exceed 500 Mb per second.

Networking Performance - Win2000DDK

Networking Performance - Win2000DDK

The networking solution in the nForce 6150 chipset is superior to that in the Xpress 200 chipset. The ATI chipset does better when sending data, but in both cases, it trails the NVIDIA chipset. The flip side is that the HP system has slightly lower CPU usage, which makes sense. Jumbo frames were not enabled in testing, which can result in higher throughput and lower CPU usage. Realistically, servers might benefit from Jumbo frames and higher gigabit Ethernet performance, but most desktop systems don't need to worry about it.

General Application Benchmarks Gaming Benchmarks – Battlefield 2
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  • JarredWalton - Monday, December 19, 2005 - link

    I understand, though I would never want to actually reach the point where I was running a PSU at maximum output power. I personally like to think of the input power as a buffer: if your input Watts exceed the rating of a PSU, you're treading on dangerous ground (IMO).
  • Cygni - Thursday, December 15, 2005 - link

    Im loving the variety of reviews coming out of anandtech recently. When there isnt much new stuff coming out (like right now), its great to have something from a totally different angle to read and chew on, like this review. The addition of the add on graphics board and 6150 comparison system was a great touch, and really helped me think about my needs for my next box.

    All in all, some may not enjoy this article because it isnt a 500 card 7800GTX reference design roundup (which nobody reading can afford anyway), but i certainly think it was a good touch... if for nothing else than "Hey, lets look how an upper-mid level system from a builder performs versus a homebuilt" or "Lets look at true integrated graphics performance."
  • Sunrise089 - Thursday, December 15, 2005 - link

    ...but this article has given me more info about graphics performance than many recent video card write-ups here. You actually tested at a variety of setttings and on hardware that didn't incllde an FX-57. I know the cards may be CPU limited, but so what. I now know that I can build someone an office computer and tell them that if they add a $100 6600 they can play some pretty nice games at 60+ FPS at decent quality, something the FX-57 with all settings on 'high' articles wouldn't tell me. Please keep this trend up, and feel free to work in the other direction as well - higher levels of AA and AF and Image Quality tests.
  • Sunrise089 - Thursday, December 15, 2005 - link

    Jarred - You and Anand continue to be my favorite writers here at AT. I really like the intro to this article, especially the background you provide. By letting us know your out-of-AT existance it makes it easier to understand why you are reviewing this particular part and how it is not an example of AT "selling out". I think this is a great example of how the internet era allows a much closer relationship between the content providers (you editors and writers) and the users (us) that can help us identify with your perspective on hardware. I strongly support this type of intro for the other writers here - let us know who you are and what you do, so we can view your opinions in the framework of your actual life.
  • JarredWalton - Thursday, December 15, 2005 - link

    Thanks, Sunrise! :)

    I do my best to keep the readers happy. The extra benchmarks on this are really somewhat extraneous to the actual review, but I hope a lot of people found the numbers useful.
  • kilkennycat - Thursday, December 15, 2005 - link

    Jarred, I suggest correcting the last paragraph ASAP.
    Why AMD decided in their (er) wisdom to use the same base number for the 2 different parts beats me.
  • JarredWalton - Thursday, December 15, 2005 - link

    I have a direct from an HP representative that the linked SKU is in fact an X2 3800+. Here is a direct quote from the e-mail I received:

    "We actually have an X2 3800+ Smart Buy, sku # might be
    listed incorrectly as a 3800+, but it's an X2. I'm in the process of
    getting that fixed."

    Obviously, that needs to be corrected, but for now I'll trust the management of the small-business division. :-)
  • Furen - Thursday, December 15, 2005 - link

    AMD did not want to release an X2 3800+, if you remember. People bitched and moaned about the X2s being expensive so the 3800+ was released.
  • Paratus - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 - link

    We've got HPs at work and I'm generally happy with it for a work computer. The LCDs are fine the chip was a P43.2 which was a nice step up from a 2.2 P4. Only main issues was the lack of dual channel ram (512mb only)
  • phaxmohdem - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 - link

    Yeah, unfortunatly for some reason, corporate buyers seem to think that RAM is the least of their worries when purchasing. Faster CPU's and stuff are nice, but if you don't give it the memory to play with whats the point? A PIII 1GHz machine with 1GB of ram is still hella fast for any standard white-shirt business task.

    I simply don't understand it, its a relatively inexpensive upgrade but businesses just don't go for it. Whatever, I'm sure they have a good reason.

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