Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

The overall gaming performance of the Biostar TForce4 U 775 is phenomenal compared to our recent Intel based test results. The Biostar board took first place in five of the seven tests and scored well in the two that it did not win. In the benchmarks where the minimum and maximum scores are listed it should be noted the Biostar board consistently had the best minimum scores reported. This performance pattern directly led to the board's impressive scores. We contacted NVIDIA and Biostar about the performance of the board and were assured they have witnessed excellent results in their internal testing. We ran the tests on our second board and actually witnessed higher results in the Serious Sam II and Battlefield 2 benchmarks. Although we did not report Doom 3 and Quake 4 scores, the Biostar board was generally 4% faster than the Asus and Intel boards. A combination of the optimized BIOS and chipset revisions has certainly turned this board into an excellent Intel platform for gaming.

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  • Zoomer - Monday, September 18, 2006 - link

    I was really interested in buying this board to replace a dead board until I read the part about ALC 850. Urgh.

    The 10/100 ethernet was also an issue, but I could have lived with that. But no HD Audio? This is 2006, not 1996.
  • neweggster - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - link

    I would like to see more articles from Biostar. They seem to have a good idea on what performance is. Any idea if you guys could get a article on the Biostar TForce4U Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce4 Ultra AMD mobo?

  • Gary Key - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - link

    We are working on it. :)
  • cpeter38 - Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - link

    How come AT has taken down the RS580 article (at least) twice now??
  • Gary Key - Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - link


    How come AT has taken down the RS580 article (at least) twice now??

    The NDA for the RD580 is on 3/2/06. ATI has requested the review sites adhere to this date. However, if you look around the net the article has been saved in a zip file and is available for viewing. ;-)
  • cpeter38 - Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - link

    THANK YOU!!!!

    (for the explanation)
  • cpeter38 - Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - link


    ********** EDIT *************** EDIT ************

  • ronein - Sunday, February 19, 2006 - link


    Very detailed and coherent article! I am in no way in the market for an intel/biostar board (how many are? ;), but the review was a pleasure to read. I found the author's writing style to be very unique and the article overall was outstanding. Keep up the good work AT!

    I second that!
  • lexmark - Friday, February 17, 2006 - link

    Very detailed and coherent article! I am in no way in the market for an intel/biostar board (how many are? ;), but the review was a pleasure to read. I found the author's writing style to be very unique and the article overall was outstanding. Keep up the good work AT!
  • bldckstark - Thursday, February 16, 2006 - link

    Good job on including the min and max frame rates on the graphs. That is an excellent addition. Now if we can just get the median and mode......... *>}

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