General Performance & Encoding

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Graphics Performance

General Performance

Graphics Performance

MPEG-4 Encoding Performance - 'Sum of All Fears' Ch. 9

The Abit AT8 is extremely competitive in the synthetic benchmarks with scores consistently in the top range. The Abit AT8 board outperforms the Asus A8R-MVP in the encoding tests although the measure of difference in this benchmark is negligible and highly dependent upon CPU and disk choices. Our encoding tests will soon change to the DivX 6.1 codec along with additional multimedia tasks.

Test Setup Memory Performance
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  • Gary Key - Friday, March 10, 2006 - link


    I wonder why the review of "the older/ now economy" Abit ATI 200 chipset for crossfire board, especially since it is known to have some problems (the chipset and microcode)?

    Abit plans on this board becoming a value performance leader with the AT8-32x being slightly more upscale in the price range. We will be reviewing this board once it is available. However, given the current price range of the RD580 boards, the RD480 boards are the better value at this time given the incremental performance differences of the RD580 (although this would be my personal choice).

    There have been some growing pains with the ATI chipsets but there were also growing pains with the NVIDIA/SIS/VIA/ULi/ALI/Intel/etc. chipsets at product launches also. :) Overall, both the ATI RD480 and RD580 are very good chipsets, the fact the SB600 Southbridge was not available in time for either product launch is where I think ATI failed. This forced the board suppliers to utilize a Southbridge solution (ULi M1575) that was not designed in conjunction with the RD480/580 Northbridge. While it is an excellent Southbridge solution, some of the storage access and timing issues that have been reported and now solved, were not seen on the few SB450 equipped boards. I personally expect the ATI equipped boards to mature quickly and provide an excellent competitive alternative to the nForce boards. This is good for all of us.
  • n7 - Friday, March 10, 2006 - link

    Even with the OCing issues, this is still a far better value Crossfire choice for anyone than the craptastic A8R-MVP

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