Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

The overall gaming performance of the ECS C19-A SLI is very competitive when compared to our recent Intel based test results. The ECS board remained very stable in our game benchmark testing and during extended game-play testing over the course of several continuous hours. While the ECS board is not a leader, it offers a great performance to price ratio for those on budget.

SLI Performance

SLI Performance

SLI Performance

SLI Performance

SLI Performance

SLI Performance

The performance of the ECS C19-A SLI was surprising in our SLI testing against the Asus P5N32-SLI. Its ability to remain competitively close in the benchmarks while placing first in the GPU intensive Call of Duty II test was impressive. We certainly believe NVIDIA's continual improvements in their chipset designs accounted for the excellent performance of the ECS board.

Memory Performance Disk Controller Performance
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  • mindless1 - Saturday, March 25, 2006 - link

    Well, you could just tell us. Previously ECS used a lot of OST caps but these may be Panasonic FM? (at least some, the 10mm x 25(?)mm look like it in the VRM. More significant might be the lack of capacitors for memory, could be part of why the board is a bit fickle about o'c.
  • Per Hansson - Saturday, March 25, 2006 - link

    Sounds very good Gary ;-)

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