Highest Memory Speed (Highest Ratio) Performance

Memory performance continues to scale to the Highest Ratio Memory Speeds we could achieve with each memory. The Buffalo and OCZ reached DDR2-1100, while the Crucial Ballistix topped out at a similar DDR2-1084. At the top speed all three memories were near 5-5-5 timings, which made the DDR2-1100 advantage very thin in most instances.

Highest Memory Speed (Highest Ratio) Calculation Performance

Highest Memory Speed (Highest Ratio) Standard (Buffered) Memory Test

Highest Memory Speed (Highest Ratio) Unbuffered Memory Test

Highest Memory Speed (Highest Ratio) - Far Cry

Highest Memory Speed (Highest Ratio)  - Half-Life 2

Highest Memory Speed (Highest Ratio) - Quake 4

DDR2 1067 (1:2) Performance Final Words
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  • Wesley Fink - Saturday, July 8, 2006 - link

    That is DDR2-533 is DDR2-533 on BOTH Intel and AMD.
  • rallyhard - Friday, July 7, 2006 - link

    Wow, that's some nice memory!
    Kinda makes me feel a little less rediculously proud of the Mushkin XP2 PC2-5300 2gb sticks that I'll possess tomorrow.

    Oh well, at least I paid less than half the price of either of these!

    And to the above poster: Get a life!
  • TheGlassman - Friday, July 7, 2006 - link

    And since they were not tested on AM2, no point for me to consider any of them.
  • ShoNuff - Friday, July 7, 2006 - link

    First in!!! I've allways wanted to do that...reading now.

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