Factory Overclocked: GeForce 7600 GT

Our different flavors of 7600 GT are not as varied. We were only able to find two different clock speed configurations for this class of card coming as only slightly overclocked. The stock core speed is 560 MHz, but the majority of variants come in at either 580 or 600 MHz. As this isn't a very large difference, we decided to only test one core overclock at the high 600 MHz speed. As far as memory goes, stock clock speed is 700 MHz (giving a 1400 MHz effective data rate). We increased our stock memory speed up to 750 MHz giving us 600/750 clock speeds for our test.

Right off the bat, we see that the overclocked 7600 GT variants don't make nearly the difference as the overclocked 7900 GT cards we have. There is a slight increase in performance, but we aren't able to come anywhere near the performance of the X1900 GT. These 600/750 clocked 7600 GT cards will be in nearly direct price competition with the X1900 GT, so we can clearly not recommend them based on BF2.

With Oblivion, we still don't see a large increase in performance, and with the variance in our testing its clear that spending extra money on an overclocked 7600 GT doesn't net any dramatic gains.

Our X3: reunion numbers stand to bring home the point that has been made with our other two tests -- overclocked 7600 GT cards don't add much value and really aren't worth more money. If you're willing to spend an extra $30 for a 10% overclock, it makes even more sense to add another $30 or so and get the much faster performance offered by the X1900 GT; it doesn't make sense not to take the plunge if it's in the budget.

Clearly the 7600 GT doesn't benefit from the same advantages that the 7900 GT does when it comes to factory overclocked performance. The results in the remaining tests did not provide any new information: the roughly 10% overclock can improve performance by up to 10%, but the gap between the 7600 GT and the faster cards remains quite large.

Factory Overclocked 7900GT Performance Final Words
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  • coldpower27 - Friday, August 11, 2006 - link

    Well it wasn't too long ago that X1900 XT still had pricing over 400US.

    It wasn't until ATI started doing some price slashes in preparation for the X1950 that the prices have fallen alot, fairly recently.
  • JarredWalton - Thursday, August 10, 2006 - link

    It's more based on price than performance, and obviously at $330 we're very close to the high end.
  • Powermoloch - Thursday, August 10, 2006 - link

    Why was it not listed? These days they can be found almost under $150.00
  • kalrith - Friday, August 11, 2006 - link

    Actually, it's http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82...">$126 shipped from Newegg right now, and that's BEFORE a $30 MIR. It should keep up (or beat) the 7600GT, so I think it deserves to be on there as well.
  • Jedi2155 - Sunday, August 13, 2006 - link

    Although it is plenty fast, I think the DX 9.0C has shown enough benefits over 9.0b to seriously consider the 7600 GT over the X850 XT
  • Zebo - Thursday, August 10, 2006 - link

    Nice review but there should only be two choices in the sub $300 field:

    7900GT, not only can it be had for $224, not $275 as the review implies, it can be overclocked to 7900GTX virtually guarnteed, meaning it trades punches with a $359 1900XT.

    The card missing from this review is the $220 1900 All-in-Wonder, not only is it faster than 7900GT stock and has way more features, it can also be overclocked to 1900XT levels.
  • Zebo - Thursday, August 10, 2006 - link


    looks like they raised price since last week... it really was 224:)
  • AmbroseAthan - Thursday, August 10, 2006 - link

    Was kind of surprised to see it not in this mix being you can get one for ~$200 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82...">Sapphire x1800xt - OEM (Retail is 250ish)

    I assume it runs faster then the 1800GTO, but how does it rank with the 7800GT and 7900GT?
  • mpc7488 - Thursday, August 10, 2006 - link


    but with the recent price cuts pushing the X1900 GT down to about $230, the added performance gain of the 7900 GT might not be worth the money in this case

    The 7900GT is consistently around $240 after rebates. There are 3 cards at that price from 3 different manufacturers at Newegg right now (eVGA, XFX, and MSI). In fact, the overclocked version (520 core/1540 memory) is $244.

    Maybe rebates aren't really looked at in the price engine, but the fact remains that you can easily find a 7900GT for under $250.
  • DerekWilson - Thursday, August 10, 2006 - link

    Good point. We didn't include rebates as they can change without warning, not everyone follows through on them, and they take some time to recieve.

    But, obviously, they can make a difference. I'll add a bit to the conclusion about it.


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