Synthetic Graphics Performance

The 3DMark series of benchmarks developed and provided by Futuremark are among the most widely used tools for benchmark reporting and comparisons. Although the benchmarks are very useful for providing apples-to-apples comparisons across a broad array of GPU and CPU configurations, they are not a substitute for actual application and gaming benchmarks. In this sense, we consider the 3DMark benchmarks to be purely synthetic in nature but still valuable for providing consistent measurements of performance.

3D Mark 2006 - E8500 - 3.16GHz

3D Mark 2006 - E8500 - 4GHz

3D Mark 2006 - QX9770 - 4GHz

3DMark06 is almost completely oblivious to memory bandwidth and access latency, relying rather on raw GPU power and PCIE data transfer rates. In DDR2 format the X48 chipset keeps its nose ahead of the 780i-based motherboards with an E8500, while the QX9770 4GHz result hauls itself clear of the whole bunch. We still feel users will be more interested in how well the DFI board fares in actual games.

Memory Results Continue... Crysis
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  • lopri - Monday, April 28, 2008 - link

    Sorry if I missed it but I can't locate it?
  • Rajinder Gill - Monday, April 28, 2008 - link


    There is no PDF, it is an Adobe flash player video on page 14..

  • Kromis - Monday, April 28, 2008 - link

    I'm loving the green!
  • Kromis - Monday, April 28, 2008 - link

    I haven't heard/read much from DFI in a while

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