Test Setup

Test Configuration
CPU Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6850
(Quad-core 3.0GHz, 2x6MB L2, 1333FSB)
Motherboard Asus P5N-T Deluxe
Graphics Cards Triple-SLI NVIDIA GeForce 8800 Ultra
Memory 4GB OCZ DDR2 PC2-8500 Platinum Series
HDD Western Digital WD4001ABYS (Fully equipped)
CPU Cooler Zalman CNPS7700
Power Supply PC Power & Cooling Turbo Cool 860W
(AnandTech Edition)

For the temperature results we decided to attached temperature diodes to the CPU cooler, the GPU cooler (first GPU), the hard drives, and the inside of the chassis. This configuration may or may not end up being similar to what you run, but since we will use the same hardware in our case reviews we will be able to build a collection of results. The first graphics card in an SLI or triple-SLI setup always runs hotter than the others, which is why we will take measurements from this card.

For the time being, we installed the maximum supported number of hard drives (seven in this case). However, the temperature diode will also be connected to the first hard drive of our RAID setup. The fourth diode is in the middle of the case at the height of the DIMMs. This diode will allow us to measure ambient case temperature, and we will test optional configurations as necessary -- i.e., if a case offers a special air duct we will test both with and without this air duct.

Note: You will notice that we are testing with a very high-end setup for now, which is not representative of many computer systems. We will add a second more reasonable configuration in the future that will focus on reducing noise levels. For now, the temperature and noise readings should be considered something of a worst-case scenario.

Installing the Components Comparison
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  • 7Enigma - Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - link

    Circular swirling of hot air stuck inside the case? Doesn't make a lot of sense with the huge 200mm exhaust fan at the top but I guess anything is possible when you cram 3 large graphics cards and multiple HD/opticals in there. I did a double take when I saw the open case shot with everything installed. It looked like a mini-ATX!!!
  • Christoph Katzer - Friday, February 13, 2009 - link

  • volgagerman - Friday, February 13, 2009 - link

    Any chance we'll see a review of the Cooler Master HAF932 on this site? It seems to offer the best possible cooling at the moment, if you can get past the military data center look. Just curious as to how it would compare with the rest of your current lineup from a temp/acoustic perspective.
  • sonci - Friday, February 13, 2009 - link

    Not surprised that is a good cooling case, tons of fans without dust filters, certainly not for my living room..
  • Zak - Friday, February 13, 2009 - link

    I'm actually running an older CM Stacker with lots of fans and no filters and due to large positive pressure very little dust accumulates inside. It can be done. Z.
  • 7Enigma - Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - link


    Unless you have a filter on the intake fan(s), there is no way you are not accumulating dust inside unless that is a jet engine on the intake side that prevents any dust from settling. I'll agree if you have adequate positive pressure on a FILTERED intake you will see very little dust in the system. But if you are telling me you have zero filtration, I just don't see it being possible unless you're in a cleanroom.
  • fri2219 - Friday, February 13, 2009 - link

    Kind of defeats the purpose of the fans.

    I guess they surmised that if you put enough plastic windows and blinking lights on it, you'd be able to sell a bowl of tapeworms to you average WoWTard.
  • Bonesdad - Friday, February 13, 2009 - link

    I think it's pretty hideous...
  • MamiyaOtaru - Friday, February 13, 2009 - link

    Looks better than the original 900 IMHO. That slanted front was hideous. I don't mind this one at all, though I wish the pastic accents would go.
  • Nfarce - Friday, February 13, 2009 - link

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I suppose. I think it's pretty cool looking. Apparently the "in" thing right now for cases is military stealth-type design with angular references. Kinda like something you'd see in a futuristic Sci-Fi flick.

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