Far Cry 2

Far Cry 2 is another foliage-heavy game. Normally it’s less punishing than Crysis at its higher settings, but as we’ll see Crysis scales lower than Far Cry 2 does.

In short, Far Cry 2 is unplayable at any DirectX 10 setting we can use in the benchmark. High quality is as low as it goes, and gives us virtually nothing over Very High quality. Even in-game, the 5450 is going to have trouble here without switching to DX9.

Compared to our other cards, the 5450 is a little over half as fast as the GT 220, and 1/3rd as fast as the 5670. It once again loses by a small amount to the 4550 however

Crysis: Warhead Battleforge
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  • andy o - Thursday, February 4, 2010 - link

    So far the most reasonable explanation I've seen by googling is someone if a forum suggesting that its function is just disabling certain features so as to prioritize smooth playback over those features. I don't see any difference with the 5770, otherwise (with that card it doesn't disable anything).
  • UNCjigga - Thursday, February 4, 2010 - link

    I sort of assumed it was similar to what 120hz/240hz LCD TVs do: use a frame doubler to more closely match your monitor's refresh rate and give the impression of "smooth" motion.
  • andy o - Thursday, February 4, 2010 - link

    I don't think so, most PC displays are 60 Hz, and I think even most 120 Hz TVs only take up to 60p input. There's only a couple of 120Hz-input monitors.
  • therealnickdanger - Wednesday, February 10, 2010 - link

    Actually, most CRTs using analog connections are capable of 120Hz. DVI, HDMI, and DisplayPort do not support digital transmission speeds over 60Hz. It's a sad state of affairs if you ask me.
  • sc3252 - Thursday, February 4, 2010 - link

    I know this isn't exactly supposed to be a fast card, but its clocked ~10% faster yet its slower than the last generation card... I can't say I am surprised though, after seeing the 5770 clocked faster than the 4870 yet being around the same speed.
  • StevoLincolnite - Thursday, February 4, 2010 - link

    I think people are missing allot of the big picture here and that's Crossfire with the Radeon 54xx series.
    Specifically with the new 8 series of chipsets, hence the amount of shaders present, I expect a return of Hybrid Crossfire.

    Pairing an IGP with a low-end card is a very cost effective solution to getting more performance out of a system and also gives AMD an edge in getting more people to buy an AMD Processor+Chipset+Graphics card.
  • ereavis - Thursday, February 4, 2010 - link

    "me too" I'd dig a 758G Hybrid Crossfire review with this and the other sub $100 Radeons (if they support x-fire) 785 was a great motherboard to match with the Athlon II and Phenom II X2-X3, some of us were waiting on video card purchases and would like to see Crossfire 54XX/56XX compared to a 5750 discrete for example.
  • JarredWalton - Friday, February 5, 2010 - link

    Fun fact: HD 5450 is about 40% faster than my pathetic old 7600 GT in my work PC. Remember when 6600 GT was da bomb? LOL
  • QuietOC - Thursday, February 4, 2010 - link

    The 80 shader discrete Radeons are just too limited by 64-bit DDR3. The 785G has more bandwidth and the same number of ROPS (mine even runs fine at 1GHz.) If they had cut the power usage of the 5450 down a lot more it may have made some sense.
  • Totally - Thursday, February 4, 2010 - link

    5770 128-bit bus, 4870 256-bit bus

    again 5450 64-bit bus, 4550 128-bit bus

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