Performance - Unreal Tournament 2003
Tournament 2003 Flyby
800x600x32 |
0 |
25 |
51 |
76 |
101 |
127 |
152 |
We have only been running the final benchmark of Unreal Tournament 2003 in
mobile reviews for one review thus far, so we are only able to compare the Mobility
Radeon 9000 in the Hypersonic Sonic Aviator to the Mobility Radeon 9000 in the
Dell Inspiron 8200 and a desktop Radeon 9000 Pro. At 800x600x32, the Hypersonic
system at 3.06GHz ran 4% faster than the Dell system at 2.0GHz; a fairly negligible
performance boost offered by the faster processor, indicating that the Mobility
Radeon 9000 acts as the bottleneck in Unreal Tournament 2003 while paired with
fast processors such as these.
As suspected the desktop computer based on the higher clocked Radeon 9000 Pro
outperformed the notebook systems. The Sonic Aviator fell 15% behind the desktop.
Tournament 2003 Flyby
1024x768x32 |
0 |
17 |
34 |
51 |
68 |
85 |
102 |
Bumping the resolution up to 1024x768x32 decreases the performance lead of
the Hypersonic Sonic Aviator to 3% but still leaves it performing comfortably at over
60 frames per second. The lead offered by the desktop remains at 15%.
Tournament 2003 Flyby
1280x960x32 |
0 |
14 |
28 |
42 |
56 |
70 |
8 |
The performance advantage offered by the Hypersonic Sonic Aviator over the
Dell Inspiron 8200 fluctuates up to 4% at 1280x960x32. Again, we are not seeing
huge performance increases offered by the extra 1.06GHz that the Sonic Aviator
brings to the table because the systems are video card limited. On the desktop
side, the lead offered by the Radeon 9000 Pro grows to a large 44% thanks to
the fact that the video chips are getting quite a work out at this high resolution
in such a stressful game.
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