FSB Overclocking Results

The following is our 800MHz FSB setup we used for FSB overclocking:

Front Side Bus Overclocking Testbed

Pentium 4 2.4GHz (800MHz FSB) CPU - HT Disabled
CPU Vcore:
1.525V (default)
Intel Retail HSF & Thermal Pad
Power Supply:
Enermax 350W

As we first noted in our ABIT IC7-G review, we are now running all FSB overclocking tests using a retail 2.4C processor for our Pentium 4 motherboard reviews.

While the ABIT IC7-G was able to reach 270MHz FSB (1080MHz QDR FSB), the Albatron PX865PE Pro II was able to best that FSB overclock by 8MHz for a final overclock of 278MHz FSB (1112MHz FSB). As we've mentioned in other reviews, there have been reports of FSB overclocks as high as 1200MHz FSB from some motherboard manufacturer's own testing, but again, don't expect to see these kinds of overclocks with conventional cooling or retail processors anytime in the near future. It seems Albatron continues their tradition of great Pentium 4 overclocking motherboards with the PX865PE Pro II. We can see Albatron becoming a trusted name among enthusiasts just as ABIT's name gradually has.

Albatron PX865PE Pro II: BIOS and Overclocking Albatron PX865PE Pro II: Stress Testing
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