
The introduction of Samsung PC3700 memory matters most for the new DDR466 memory standard it represents. This means that you will soon see DDR466 memory widely available as the new high-speed memory standard from many memory makers - not just the specialty memory makers. You will also likely find new lower price points for standard memory at DDR466.

Corsair, OCZ, Mushkin, Kingston and other memory makers do not have anything to worry about with the new Samsung modules. The performance is solid, but the slower timings used by Samsung do make a difference compared to the best high-speed memory that we have tested. Most memory based on chips from Hynix will outperform the new Samsung DDR466, but the difference is not huge and many buyers will be perfectly happy with Samsung DDR466 in their systems.

The incredible headroom of Samsung DDR466 was a pleasant surprise. The ability to reach a stable DDR535 with memory rated for DDR466 was excellent performance. We also found the Samsung performance more competitive with the best available as memory speeds increased. This makes Samsung DDR466 a great choice for overclockers who want to seriously overclock a 2.4 to 2.8 Pentium 4 and run the memory at the same 1:1 speed. Samsung memory is normally a reasonable buy in the market, available from many sources, and the fact that this DDR466 seems to be capable of speeds well over DDR500 will be great news for buyers looking to build a DDR500+ system with an eye on value.

Even though it is only a partial standard, DDR466 has officially arrived with Samsung PC3700. DDR466 will also likely be the last DDR standard. The next bump in the DDR road would be DDR533, but with DDR2 set to launch in the very near future, it is not likely a DDR533 standard that will ever see the light of day.

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  • quanta - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - link

    The Samsung module is such a disappointment. I am better off with OCZ 3700 Gold, as it costs about the same, but runs faster.
  • Pumpkinierre - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - link

    Albatron (and others) guarantee 1000MHz P4 (4x250) mainboards (on the box) so you'd expect DDR500 to be the new JEDEC.

    What is the speed of these CC5 chips(the samsung link doesnt give that info)? They dont seem to be much different to the earlier 5ns chips.
  • Budman - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - link

    I already have some crucial pc3200 that does ddr500 at 3-4-4 timings with 2.8v.
  • Xelloss - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - link

    "The next bump in the DDR road would be DDR533, but with DDR2 set to launch in the very near future, it is not likely a DDR533 standard that will ever see the light of day."

    Hmmmm... well, that's what they said about DDR400 as well. We'll see soon enough, I'm sure.

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