Canopus Pure3D II Voodoo2

by Anand Lal Shimpi on August 2, 1998 9:16 PM EST

If you have the money, and are looking for a luxury add-on (notice the use of the word luxury) to your already incredible gaming system then the Pure3D II from Canopus is probably the current top of the line when it comes to Voodoo2 based 3D accelerators.  If you don't have a desire to experience the pleasure of playing Quake 2 on your 32" TV then you may want to consider the watered down bare Voodoo2 card offered by Canopus as well, the Pure3D II LX.

Canopus Pure3D II PCI Voodoo2 Accelerator
Price - $329 (12MB Pure3D II w/ TV-Out) $279 (12MB Pure3D II LX w/o TV-Out)
Website -

Overall Rating - 86%

Anand Tech - Video Card Rating

2D Performance: N/A
3D Performance: 95%
Price: 80%
Ease of Installation/Configuration: 90%
Drivers: 90%
Compatibility: 94%
Bundled Software: 65%
Overall Rating: 86%
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