3dfx holds a nice lead at 800 x 600, however if you take away the MiniGL or prefer 32-bit color rendering, your next best option is, of course, the TNT2 Ultra. Interestingly enough, separating the overclocked TNT2 Ultra at 175MHz and the regular TNT2 Ultra at 150MHz is the Savage4 PRO+. It's amazing what updated drivers can do for a card, if you don't plan upgrading your CPU in the near future, and are looking for decent performance on a system such as this one, then the Savage4 isn't such a bad idea anymore. It even supports 32-bit color rendering, not bad at all. It's not the best accelerator, but it does have its moments.

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K6-2 High-Res Performance: demo1.dm2 K6-3 450 Crusher.dm2 Performance Recap
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