Guillemot Maxi Gamer Xentor 32 - Card Specs

Default Clock 175/183
Memory 32MB Viking 5.5ns
Cooling Heatsink/Fan Combo
TV-Out Brooktree BT869
Drivers Reference
Highest Overclock 175/200
Overclocking Utility Available for Download
Software/Gaming Bundle Xing DVD player, Speed Busters & Kingpin OEM
Estimated Street Price $199.99 After Rebate

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The 175/183MHz Maxi Gamer Xentor 32 seems to be the perfect balance between price and performance. Although you can't walk down to your local hardware shop and pick one of these cards up, the price you'll most likely see online, after rebate, will be the tempting $199.99 tag that gives Guillemot the edge over the competition. Although AnandTech's first experience with the Maxi Gamer Xentor 32 wasn't a pleasant one, one card later and Guillemot is deserving of a commendation on a more affordable TNT2 Ultra product.

The memory on the Xentor 32 isn't as high in quality as the Hercules' Hyundai and has a bit of trouble at 200MHz but it did complete the tests. The board and bundle come at one of the best prices in the roundup.

Pros: Good price, TV out support, 175MHz default core clock, decent software/gaming bundle

Cons: Not widely available, no driver utilities under 9x or NT, memory not of the highest in quality

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