MC1000 Conclusion
This cooler is the apple of my eye. The size and performance of this cooler is just outstanding. We achieved some amazing results with this cooler. For example, a Celeron 366 did 616Mhz stable at 2.2v after 15 minutes of crusher and at 10 C. That is just amazing. The thing to keep in mind here is that this cooler is designed to take you to the next level in cooling. If your CPU has a poor core & cache, then your results may not be what you expect. Many people think, "Oh, if I just get that CPU 5 degrees cooler, I will be able to hit (X)Mhz". This is not always the case. Overclocking is almost an art form. It requires a group of variables to be true to be successful. Personally I think the most success came out of the Celerons. I mean, the cost of a 366 Celeron is next to nothing, and add US$119 to that, you have a 616Mhz killer CPU. Of course, this depends on how good your 366 Celeron is. One thing to keep in mind when getting into the active cooling arena is to ensure your case has proper ventilation, as the heatsink will put off heat. I would highly recommend this unit to anyone due to its great price point for the performance and quality of the cooler.

MC2000 Conclusion
The MC2000 certainly performs well. It kept the P3-450 a little cooler than the MC1000. But as I said, it was very difficult to get accurate readings on this particular unit. This was not the fault of the unit at all - it is just sealed extremely well. When you start adding up the cost of a power supply and a case that will accommodate this unit, it gets to be expensive. The case is important here because the MC2000 needs to breathe. It puts off a fair bit of heat from the heatsink. It is because of this that not everyone can afford to put one of these units in their machine; but if you can, then you will not be disappointed in its performance.

While testing this unit we found some very interesting results with the Pentium 3 450. The success rate in getting to 600Mhz is not as common as it should be. Out of four P3 450's, only two made it to 600Mhz. Other people in the overclocking community have confirmed that the consistency of achieving 600Mhz is not very common. This is something to keep in mind when making your purchase decision.

Overall Conclusion
What can I say? Finally, someone that takes great pride in their work. Swiftech has produced some excellent examples of craftsmanship here. My dealings with the main man at Swiftech, Gabriel Rouchon, were nothing short of professional. I called Gabriel to ask some questions and to get a feeling for the people behind this product, and I will tell you this: these people take great pride in what they do. Swiftech seems to be always looking for ways to improve the product. This is very important these days with so many companies throwing together fans and cooling devices in their basement that just don't work. You can spend some serious cash on air-cooled devices that are just useless, or you can put your money into a serious cooling product like the MC cooler line.

I must thank Sam Dennis for his CPUs and help performing some of the tests.

MC2000 Windows & Crusher Tests
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