AMD Athlon 700

by Anand Lal Shimpi on October 4, 1999 12:19 AM EST

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Windows NT: the future of Operating Systems?  That's a completely different question, but what we can see here is that the Intel/AMD competition is much more heated under NT.  The clear winner is the Athlon 700, as you would expect, but with a tie between the Pentium III 600B and the Athlon 600, Windows NT is a much more interesting arena to benchmark in. 

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The stronger FPU of the Athlon keeps the top three positions reserved to AMD but the Pentium III 600B is on the heels of the Athlon 600.  Remember, Intel doesn't have the weakest FPU, it's just not as strong as the Athlon's.  That doesn't mean that it won't remain competitive.  

Direct3D Gaming Performance Windows NT Performance Continued
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  • dylan522p - Tuesday, December 17, 2013 - link

    What are you hiding but teasing for November Anand.
  • Mondozai - Thursday, December 19, 2013 - link

    That comment makes less sense than this review. And this review is not bad for a teenager, hell, even for most reviewers out there!

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