The Leadtek card is a very solid performer at many resolutions and colors. While the differences between it and the other GeForce SDR cards remains small, at stock speeds the card performs with the best of them. Once again, the reference board design makes the cards almost indistinguishable. In comparison with the ASUS V6800 DDR GeForce card, our fastest GeForce card tested yet, the Leadtek WinFast 256 SDR performs on average 14 percent slower over all. The difference between SDR cards and DDR cards is really seen here, as the ASUS reaches a maximum speed increase of 48 percent faster when in 1024x768x32. As far as other SDR cards are concerned, the difference between speeds is almost unnoticeable until the card is overclocked. When overclocking, the card reaches a maximum of 15 percent speed increase when at 800x600x32, a noticeable difference.

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