How It Rates

Please note that the score given is a comparison between the Absolute Multimedia Outrageous Ultra GeForce DDR and other DDR GeForce cards on the market. This is not meant to reflect how the GeForce 256 GPU compares to other GPUs on the market.

AnandTech Video Card Rating

Rating (x/10)


Use of the reference design limits the extent by which the Outrageous Ultra GeForce DDR can dominate its competition. All cards based on the reference design perform nearly identically.



If the retail price of the Outrageous Ultra GeForce DDR stays near to what the original price of the Outrageous GeForce DDR was and if we take into account the falling prices of DDR GeForce 256 based cards due to the release of the GeForce 2 GTS, we can expect the Outrageous Ultra GeForce DDR to run about $240 with the software bundle and about $220 without the packaged software. By opting to get no games with your card, Absolute Multimedia provides an excellent option for those wanting to pay the lowest price possible.



We have seen more and more cards use NVIDIA's reference drivers to save time and money. Logical? Yes. Able to stand out from the competition? No,



With TV-out powered by Brooktree's 869 chip and use of thermal grease to connect the heatsink with the GPU surface, the Outrageous Ultra GeForce DDR provides lots of bang for the buck. Although the "gaming fan" may seem like the cards largest selling point, its lack of performance makes the other features much more valuable.


Retail Availability

This is still yet to be seen. Looking for an Absolute Multimedia card on-line proves to be a challenge except if you go through Absolute Multimedia's own on-line store. Not a bad option, considering that they offer competitive prices as well as free shipping


Documentation & Software Bundle

Opposite of what we are used to seeing in current video cards, the Outrageous Ultra GeForce DDR comes with an exceptional software bundle but poor documentation. The Software Choice option is great but the lack of a printed manual brings down this section some. At least the CD-ROM includes both a manual and an installation video, both of which are useless if you can't get your video card to work.

Overall Rating

Note: The Overall Rating is not an average of all of the categories. Click here to see why.

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