Athlon 750 - Unreal Tournament

The Rage Fury MAXX would not complete Unreal Tournament runs on our KX133 motherboard.

At the 16-bit color setting, we find that the 64 MB GeForce 2 GTS performs lower than expected, with the Voodoo5 5500 beating it out in 3 of 5 resolutions. The extra memory in this case does result in any performance increase until the high resolution of 1600x1200x16 is reached. At this resolution, the extra memory seems to have decreased a small amount of texture swapping, with performance gaining 2.8%.

In 32-bit color mode, performance remains nearly identical across the board until 1280x1024x32. Due to the high amount of textures used in the Unreal Tournament game, it is no surprise that we see a very large 45.9% performance increase over the 32 MB GeForce 2 GTS. Since Unreal will not run at 1600x1200x32, we could not calculate scores for this resolution but it is very likely that the performance gain from the 32 MB of additional memory would be even more amazing.

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