In this first viewset, Awadvs-04, a simulation of an workstation level 3D animation system is run that stresses both shading and wireframe rendering of polygons. With the majority of the benchmark dealing with shading it isn’t surprising to see a distinct lead held by the AMD 760 solutions over the rest of the contenders.

Notice that the i820 and i840 platforms, with their higher peak memory bandwidth also outpace the i815, with the i840 doing so by the largest amount at 7%.

The AMD 760 allows for a 7 – 10% lead in performance here which is in line with the other performance figures we’ve seen thus far.

The DesignReview viewset (DRV-07) is heavily weighted towards polygon throughput which happens to give the advantage to the dual channel RDRAM setup of the i840 chipset. This allows the i840 to hold close to a 7% performance advantage over the 1.2GHz Athlon on an AMD 760 platform.

The i815 and i820 solutions are performing about the same, while the regular KT133 based platforms are lagging noticeably behind the rest of the contenders here.

The Data Explorer viewset (DX-06) makes use of a fairly large data set that can take advantage of the increased FSB and memory bus of the AMD 760 platform, thus giving a 10% improvement in performance on a clock for clock basis over the regular Athlon.

We also see an example here of the Pentium III being unable to keep up with the Athlon regardless of platform. We noticed similar cases in the SPEC CPU2000 tests earlier, as well as situations where the exact opposite was true as well.

Content Creation & High End Performance - Winstone Professional OpenGL Performance - SPECviewperf (continued)
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