Memory Upgrade - Gaming Performance

Quake III Arena

It is clear to see that Quake III Arena could really care less how much memory we have when the TNT is the video card used. No performance is gained in either 16-bit or 32-bit colors.

Unreal Tournament

Like our CPU upgrades, we see that the Unreal engine is more stressful on the system as a whole and less stressful on the video card used. In the case of a memory upgrade, the fastest gameplay comes with 128MB of memory. In fact, at 32-bit color, the K6-2 300 MHz benefits by 26% with the move from 64MB to 128MB.


Once again we see that the OpenGL based MDK2 provides results that are very similar to Quake III Arena, with the additional memory not making up for the slow video card.

Memory Upgrade - Content Creation Performance Hard Drive Upgrade - Content Creation Performance
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