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The KUAIA from RioWorks. 

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The A7A266 from Chaintech.  Pay attention to the memory banks, do they look like 4 DDR SDRAM slots?  They shouldn’t, only two are 184-pin DDR SDRAM slots, the other two are 168-pin SDR SDRAM slots for backwards compatibility.  You cannot, however, use the two sets of banks concurrently.

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The EPoX EP-8LKA Socket-A.  The dipswitches on the board are indicative of a multiplier control function, overclocking Socket-A CPUs will fortunately be with us for quite some time.

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Transcend’s TS-ALR4.

Socket-A from MITAC, Gigabyte & Iwill ASUS, MSI, PC Chips & Soyo give the Athlon a DDR home
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