Vantec FCE-62540D

The Vantec FCE-62540D uses a very classical design; it looks like a larger version of the Global WIN FOP38.


Even though the the FCE-62540D looks like an improved version of the Global WIN FOP38, it does not outperform the GW unit. Possible reasons for this could be the slightly lower rpm of the fan or the lower pressure of the Vantec clip.

Like all coolers equipped with 7000rpm fans, the FCE-62540D is excessively loud.


Installation is very easy - easier than with the Global WIN coolers, since the clip is not as strong, and has a more convenient handle.

Vantec FCE-62540D
Fan: Delta 60x60x10
Fan rpm (measured): 6687
Price: unknown
  • Good performance
  • Loud
  • A little less efficient than similar products from other manufacturers.
Global WIN WBK38 TRIG / Adda T40-3
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