3D Gaming Performance

If you’re a gamer with a very large budget then you’ll probably want to know if the Super G2 is for you.  From what we’ve seen thus far, the only market that the Super G2 really  makes sense in is the professional workstation market where having the highest level of performance possible does impact revenue.  In spite of this, it doesn’t hurt to look at a few gaming benchmarks.

Quake III Arena has consistently performed very well on the Pentium 4 platform, undoubtedly because of the processor’s architecture.  The 1.866GHz Super G2 is able to barely reach the performance of the Pentium 4 1.8GHz, and with the premium you have to pay for the system you’d be better off with a Pentium 4. 

Things change as we look at one of the first DirectX 8 game engines, AquaNox.  AquaMark, a benchmark using the AquaNox engine, gives the Super G2 much more credit and allows it to come very close to the performance of the overclocked Pentium 4 2GHz.

The picture doesn't change too much as we move to a newer OpenGL engine; the Pentium 4 1.8GHz gains a slight advantage over the Super G2. 

Overall System Performance continued... Final Words
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