Qualcomm this morning is taking the wraps off of a new smartphone SoC for the mid-range market, the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3. The second of Qualcomm’s down-market ‘S’ tier Snapdragon 7 parts, the 7s series is functionally the entry-level tier for the Snapdragon 7 family – and really, most Qualcomm-powered handsets in North America. With three tiers of Snapdragon 7 chips, the 7s can easily be lost in the noise that comes with more powerful chips. But the latest iteration of the 7s is a bit more interesting than usual, as rather than reusing an existing die, Qualcomm has seemingly minted a whole new die for this part. As a result, the company has upgraded the 7s family to use Arm’s current Armv9 CPU cores...

AMD Names Rory Read as New CEO

AMD has finally chosen a new CEO: Rory Read has been selected to fill the position that Dirk Meyer vacated in January. Read was previously President and COO of...

15 by Andrew Cunningham on 8/25/2011

AMD's A8-3850 up to 26% Faster than A6-3650

When AMD introduced its Llano desktop parts it mentioned two different GPU configurations: an on-die Radeon HD 6550D with 400 cores running at 600MHz and a Radeon HD 6530D...

12 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 8/23/2011

The Sandy Bridge Pentium Review: G850, G840, G620 & G620T Tested

Despite abandoning Pentium as a high end brand with the 2006 release of Intel's Core 2 Duo, Intel has kept the label around for use on its value mainstream...

110 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 8/23/2011

Intel to Release New Itanium CPUs in 2012: New Architecture and Up to Eight Cores

Intel held a keynote at Hot Chips conference in Stanford University last week where it announced some details of upcoming Itanium CPUs. While originally meant to conquer the enterprise...

16 by Kristian Vättö on 8/22/2011

AMD Updates Brazos with E-450, E-300 and C-60 APUs

When AMD first introduced its Brazos platform at the end of last year it promised annual updates to the platform. Today we get the first official update to the...

25 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 8/22/2011

Intel's Cedar Trail Atom Processors Delayed to November

Cedar Trail, the next-generation version of Intel's Atom processor, has been delayed from September 2011 to November 2011 because of graphics driver and Windows 7 certification issues, reports DigiTimes. As...

13 by Andrew Cunningham on 8/18/2011

AMD Introduces Triple-Core A6-3500 APU

AMD just announced availability of its first triple-core Llano APU: the A6-3500. The 3500 features three cores running at 2.1GHz. AMD's Turbo Core is supported so you can see...

26 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 8/17/2011

Info on Sandy Bridge-E Pricing

VR-Zone has released preliminary info about Sandy Bridge-E pricing. There doesn't seem to be any surprises though; the report states that SB-E will adopt exactly the same price points...

33 by Kristian Vättö on 8/15/2011

Intel to Offer CPU Upgrades via Software for Selected Models

Intel has posted an upgrade service page on their website which indicates that Intel will again be offering upgradeable CPUs. This is not totally unheard of since Intel offered...

41 by Kristian Vättö on 8/14/2011

Intel's Haswell IGP to Feature DirectX 11.1, Increased Professional Application Support

Intel's integrated graphics processors have long had a poor reputation when it comes to gaming, and while the IGPs get a little closer to competitiveness with each iteration, that...

9 by Andrew Cunningham on 8/5/2011

Eagle Ridge: The Cheaper, (optionally) Smaller Thunderbolt Controller

If you've seen any of the new Thunderbolt Macs torn apart you will recognize the piece of silicon above. That flip-chip package is Intel's first Thunderbolt controller, codename: Light...

20 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 7/28/2011

Sandy Bridge Memory Scaling: Choosing the Best DDR3

Intel's Second Generation Core processors, based on the Sandy Bridge architecture, include a number of improvements over the previous generation's Nehalem architecture. We’ll be testing one specific area today...

76 by Jared Bell on 7/25/2011

Details on AMD Bulldozer: Opterons to Feature Configurable TDP

AMD’s new Bulldozer-based CPUs are just around the corner. AMD has said the release of Zambezi CPUs will happen in Q3, which means any time from now. The latest...

62 by Johan De Gelas & Kristian Vättö on 7/15/2011

AMD A8-3850 : An HTPC Perspective

Today is all about Lynx, the desktop version of the Llano platform from AMD. Anand is reviewing the A8-3850 from a generic PC perspective, and Ian is covering its...

107 by Ganesh T S on 6/30/2011

The AMD A8-3850 Review: Llano on the Desktop

Ever since the arrival of Conroe back in 2006, we've only really recommended AMD for its (sometimes incredible) value. Recommending AMD for those looking for absolute performance pretty much...

100 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 6/30/2011

The Llano Desktop Preview: AMD A8-3850 CPU & GPU Performance

If you haven't gotten the hint, today is all about Llano. The big story is of course Llano's notebook appearance; however, in the coming weeks you'll be hearing a...

134 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 6/14/2011

Windows 8 on AMD, Intel, NVIDIA, Qualcomm & TI: Let the Race Begin

I'm in the audience of Microsoft's Partner Preview for Computex 2011, basically an event to give a sneak peak of the future of Windows to press and MS partners...

32 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 6/1/2011

The Brazos Update: AMD's E-450

At Computex there are a few systems floating around with an updated version of AMD's Brazos platform. The E-350 we reviewed not too long ago featured two Bobcat cores...

33 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 6/1/2011

Correction: Ivy Bridge and Thunderbolt - Featured, not Integrated

Intel just emailed me to clarify a point from its Ivy Bridge presentation on Tuesday. While USB 3.0 will finally be integrated into the chipset, Thunderbolt will not. Intel...

20 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 6/1/2011

Computex 2011: AMD Announces Bobcat-based Z Series APUs for Tablet Market

While AMD does not have a true SoC to combat the likes of Intel, NVIDIA, and ARM, this doesn’t mean they’re completely ignoring the market for the type of...

8 by Ryan Smith on 6/1/2011

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