Qualcomm this morning is taking the wraps off of a new smartphone SoC for the mid-range market, the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3. The second of Qualcomm’s down-market ‘S’ tier Snapdragon 7 parts, the 7s series is functionally the entry-level tier for the Snapdragon 7 family – and really, most Qualcomm-powered handsets in North America. With three tiers of Snapdragon 7 chips, the 7s can easily be lost in the noise that comes with more powerful chips. But the latest iteration of the 7s is a bit more interesting than usual, as rather than reusing an existing die, Qualcomm has seemingly minted a whole new die for this part. As a result, the company has upgraded the 7s family to use Arm’s current Armv9 CPU cores...

Processor Obfuscation and You: An Update on AMD and Intel CPUs

Both AMD and Intel have quite a few shipping processor models on the market right now. In order to clear up the confusion, we decided that it was...

55 by Kristopher Kubicki & Jarred Walton on 5/17/2005

Far Cry AMD64 Edition - A First Look at 64-bit Gaming

We've been very disappointed by the lack of 64-bit desktop applications for Microsoft's new x64 Edition OS. After years of campaigning for 64-bit games, AMD and Ubisoft unveiled...

59 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/10/2005

AMD's Athlon 64 X2 4800+ & 4200+ Dual Core Performance Preview

Weeks ahead of schedule, AMD sent us their first Athlon 64 X2 dual core desktop CPUs to put through our benchmarking tests. Although they still won't be out...

109 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/9/2005

AMD's dual core Opteron & Athlon 64 X2 - Server/Desktop Performance Preview

It's not always best to be first to release something, and AMD shows Intel exactly why with their comprehensive dual core product line. We benchmark both the new...

144 by Anand Lal Shimpi, Jason Clark & Ross Whitehead on 4/21/2005

AMD's Sempron 3300+: 90nm Budget Computing

AMD's first Socket-754 Sempron in almost a year offers a 200MHz increase in clock speed, but half the cache of last year's model. We look at the mixed...

53 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/18/2005

Dual Core Intel Platform Shootout - NVIDIA nForce4 vs. Intel 955X

Now that there's at least one reason to look at Intel CPUs, what's the best chipset for dual core processors? We compare NVIDIA's nForce4 SLI Intel Edition...

96 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/14/2005

Intel Dual Core Performance Preview Part II: A Deeper Look

This time around we look at the more affordable Pentium D 2.8GHz as well as the impacts of hard drives on multitasking performance, including in games.

106 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/6/2005

Intel Dual Core Performance Preview Part I: First Encounter

We bring you the first real world performance benchmarks and impressions of Intel's upcoming desktop dual core processors.

142 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/4/2005

Interview with AMD's Fred Weber - The Future of AMD Microprocessors

Fred gives us a candid look at everything from the successor to Athlon 64 to Cell.

35 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 3/31/2005

Intel's Pentium M Desktop Part II: ASUS' Pentium M to Pentium 4 Socket Adapter

In our first article, the Pentium M wasn't very competitive on the desktop. But what about when paired with a desktop chipset? ASUS shows us how...

48 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 3/24/2005

Understanding the Cell Microprocessor

Cutting through the hype and understanding the technology, that's what this article is all about. What's the big deal about Cell and does it have a future? We tell...

70 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 3/17/2005

The Quest for More Processing Power, Part Two: "Multi-core and multi-threaded gaming"

As we enter an era of increasingly multithreaded, multi-core CPUs, who will benefit the most from it? What is the use for all this CPU power? Will dual core...

49 by Johan De Gelas on 3/14/2005

A Closer Look At PhysX: Our Take On The PPU

Can AGEIA do for physics what the GPU did for graphics? The PhysX PPU is their upcoming product poised to bring physics processing add-in cards to the PC. What's...

70 by Derek Wilson on 3/11/2005

AMD Unveils Turion 64 Mobile Technology: A Rebranded Mobile Athlon 64

AMD finally provided more details about their new Turion 64 Mobile Technology - as we originally guessed, it's basically a new name for the 90nm Mobile Athlon 64.

43 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 3/10/2005

Intel Pentium 4 6xx and 3.73EE: Favoring Features Over Performance

With the introduction of its newest Pentium 4 revision, Intel has doubled the L2 cache size, added EIST and EM64T, and taken away the bite of the Extreme Edition...

71 by Anand Lal Shimpi & Derek Wilson on 2/21/2005

AMD K8 E4 Stepping: SSE3 Performance

The Revision E core AMD launched with the new Opteron 252 includes SSE3 along with the 1GHz coherent HT link, 90nm fabrication, and organic packaging.

48 by Derek Wilson on 2/17/2005

The Quest for More Processing Power, Part One: "Is the single core CPU doomed?"

Why did Prescott really fail? Will Multi-Core CPUs really be an answer to our performance prayers? What will future CPU architectures bring? If you seek the answers, join us...

65 by Johan De Gelas on 2/8/2005

Intel's Pentium M on the Desktop - A Viable Alternative?

Although many want to declare it the death of Net Burst, is the Pentium M truly suited for a high performance desktop?

77 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/7/2005

Rambus in Cell Processors and Intel's Dual Core Announcements

Rambus is the interface of choice for 90% of the signaling pins in the Cell architecture, and Intel's dual-core is on schedule for Q2 of this year. Interested yet?

38 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/7/2005

VIA PT Series: VIA PCI Express for Intel

VIA launches three new PCI Express chipsets for Intel - all featuring DDR or DDR2 with either AGP or PCIe on the PT880 PRO. Will these...

25 by Wesley Fink on 1/31/2005

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